Be An Encourager

Everyone wants to be encouraged. And I think all of us can think of a time in our lives when we really needed extra encouragement. Maybe you aren’t worrying about where your next meal will come from (or maybe you are) like many women in Zambia. But I would bet that you’ve experienced many of the same hardships that they have, even if they’ve looked a little different.

We all are too familiar with loneliness, loss, isolation, insecurity, and rejection. None of us are immune from the hardships of life. 

Some of us have walked through oppression and discrimination. Some of us have grieved the loss of a loved one, whether through divorce or death. Some of us have said goodbye to children before we were able to say hello. Some of us live in fear of what’s to come. Some of us have experienced abuse. Some of us have been stolen from and betrayed.

All of us know what it means to hurt. And none of us should want that for one another.


And here’s your chance to play a part. Since 2012, you’ve heard stories of HOPE from our ladies in Zambia. You’ve heard some of the hard stuff they’ve trudged through to get to the other side. Life is still hard – as we can all attest to – but life is now full of HOPE for them, the game changer. Many of you have been encouraged and inspired by the stories of the women in our program.

Right now there are a lot of women in our program who are facing some really challenging things: abuse, betrayal, loss, rejection, oppression, chronic illness, loneliness, just to name a few. While we’re filling these women up with the practical skills to rise above poverty, we also want to be helping them heal from life’s hurts.

Now’s our chance to be the encouragers. Would you be willing to pass along words that have helped you in your struggles in the past (or present)? Would you be willing to write a letter to a Zambian woman to let her know that she is seen, known, and loved?

You have no idea how much this would mean to our ladies.

If you want in, it’s gotta be quick. We need all letters by March 21 (Thursday). You can email them directly to me All letters will stay confidential and won’t be shared with anyone except the women in our Zambia program. You can sign your name or you can remain anonymous. You can include a photo of yourself or your family if you wish.

Thank you for being our CiH family. We can play a powerful role in each other’s stories, both here and there. Let’s show up for our ladies, fam.  

With Chikondi (Love),
