She Is Priceless

UPDATE: As of 10:00pm EST on 5/14, you raised $7,865!!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH to each one of you who gave generously to rebuild and restore HOPE in Muchochoma Village!

Rebuilding will start ASAP. The incredible women of Muchochoma Village will now have a place to sew, to be empowered, and to be reminded of their value. Thank you for stepping in and reminding each woman that She Is Priceless.

With Chikondi (Love),
Amy + the CiH Team

Today is the She Is Priceless Global Giving Day hosted by Mercy House Global. We’re hoping to raise $7,500 so that we can rebuild our Chikondi Community Center in Muchochoma Village that was recently destroyed by a crazy storm. This facility will host dozens and dozens of women for their skills-training program, teaching them everything they need to know to become seamstresses and entrepreneurs in their rural communities. Basically, it’s a life-changing opportunity. And the building is where it all starts.


I could go into stats and everything, but let me pause right here. Let’s make this a bit more real. I’m currently home with a needy toddler and a sick baby, doing my best to keep up with things during nap time (aka now). You know how they say the key to confidence when speaking in front of people is to imagine them in their underwear? Well I’m convinced that the true feeling of fundraising is that I’M the one in my underwear in front of thousands of people asking folks to partner with us. Scary, huh? Yep it is.

Why do it, then?

Because it’s not about me. And maybe it’s not about you staring back at me either.

It’s about them - women in a tiny, overlooked village in rural Zambia. Women who have been told their entire lives that they’ll never become anything. Women who suffer unimaginable abuse and hardship. Women who are literally living off of the land without any access to electricity or running water. Many women who haven’t received schooling past elementary years because they were married off early for the dowry or they became pregnant or they were needed more at home than away at school.

This is for them. An opportunity that can change the trajectory for them and their children.

Imagine it - a woman gains a skill. She learns how to make money on her own through sewing and business. She starts that business with a microloan. She runs that business. Now what happens? She and her kids are fed. Not berries and leaves, but real, nutritious food to feed the body and brain. She and her kids are clothed. Her kids have school uniforms and the financial means to attend school. Perhaps they’ll become farmers too. Perhaps they’ll become teachers, doctors, accountants. Where there was previously a determined path of poverty, there arises opportunity. Options. Steps to break the cycle of poverty for this generation and the next.

Is that worth it, friends?

Is SHE worth it?

We think so. We think she’s worth it all - the sacrifice, of finances and time and effort. We think she’s worth hearing that she’s special and valued and important, even if she’s hearing it for the first time in her entire life.


Because She Is Priceless.

Will you join us today in standing up for the women of Muchochoma Village and putting brick by brick on a strong foundation of empowerment to see lives changed for years to come?

Will you donate?