Giving Thanks for You

"Unprecedented." How many times have you heard that word over the last 2 years?

We've heard it over and over again in an effort to make sense of these trying times. And I could use it here to describe this past year that started off with a tragic loss in our CiH family, a third wave, and challenging economic decline.

But what if we flip this word around?

Unprecedented: never before known or experienced

2021 was a year of unprecedented HOPE.

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10 Years Ago

I think about those days sometimes, especially now at our 10 year mark. I had no idea what was to come. I knew that I wanted Clothed in Hope to be an organization that affirmed the worth of women living in poverty, that lifted them up in practical, sustainable ways. But I never knew that CiH would become what it is today.

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She Made it Happen

Ever meet someone who just makes things happen? Maybe he/she is a pro networker or excellent multitasker or just drinks a ton of coffee.

Ever heard of someone who just makes things happen in the middle of a rural village? Without social media, without the connections, without resources, without coffee (gasp). Just tons of grit and determination.

That’s Precious Chisangano. This woman.

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