A New Phase

Dear Friend,

For the last 8 years we have been bringing Zambian women through our doors to be empowered through life-skills education and economic opportunity. Over 300 women have made that journey with us, thanks to YOU!

While there’s a time for bringing in, there’s also a time for sending out. And after much, much thought, prayer and consultation, we believe that time is now.

Big changes are ahead for us and we remain full of HOPE that this is just as much the plan as the past 8 years have been.

It’s time for Phase 2. What does this mean? We will no longer be bringing women through our doors for formalized skills-training classes. We will no longer be hosting graduations or maintaining facilities. Here’s what we WILL be doing:

We will be going deep. We will identify the 15 highest-skilled, highest-performing entrepreneurs who have graduated from our program. These 15 women will be given a sewing machine and become part of a community-led co-op to take their businesses to the next level through the addition of apprentices and business grants. They will also be involved in an exciting new partnership with The Kukhoma Project.

Micro-businesses will become medium-level businesses. It won’t be a comfortable process, most likely. But the best growth isn’t usually comfortable, right? These growing pains will lead to increased independence, greater business profits, and a stronger community.

These changes won’t happen overnight. We are devoting 2020 to getting Phase 2 off the ground, making sure our loyal staff is taken care of in the process. I will be visiting Zambia in December 2019 and March 2020 for group intensives to brainstorm, problem-solve, mentor, and encourage these dear friends.

Part of my heart is a little sad to say goodbye to all I’ve ever known (of CiH) in my 20s, but the larger part of my heart is excited and hopeful as I step into a new decade with Phase 2. Though it will look different, we will continue to be dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty, one stitch at a time.

With Chikondi (love) and hopeful anticipation,

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